Sep 26, 2013 23:50 JST

Source: 21st Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS)

500 Students Enliven Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2013

JAKARTA, INDONESIA, Sep 26, 2013 - (ACN Newswire) - As part of the social activities conducted in Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2013, the committee holds various programs which even started prior to the official opening of the exhibition. The social activity that was completed before the opening of IIMS 2013 was the IIMS Student Visit to Assembly Plan, in which students from several schools were invited to the sole agents' (APM) plants which participated in this year's IIMS. The visit was conducted from August 26 - September 3. In this IIMS Student Visit to Assembly Plant program, students visited four assembly plants - Mercedes-Benz (August 26), Isuzu (August 27), Mitsubishi (August 29), and Hino (September 3). Through the 4-hour visit, students received better description and firsthand information about the process of manufacturing in each plant. At the end of the program, several APMs donated their machines to support the students' learning process.

Earlier this week, the committee also held Blood Donation program to be conducted on three days - on September 24, 26, and 28. The program begins at 11 AM and continues through 1 PM. On the first day, 35 visitors participated in the program. The Blood Donation program was held at the Press Conference Room Hall B and was conducted in collaboration with Lenteng Agung branch Red Cross. The committee prepared six bunk beds, allocated six officers and a doctor to support the blood donation. After completing the donation and resting for a while, the donors received Red Cross donor cards and souvenirs while enjoying the light snacks provided in the room. "This is an excellent program as we are helping the Red Cross to provide sufficient level of blood for those in needs," said Rian, one of the donors in the first batch of the program.

Not everyone who wanted to join the blood donation program was eligible to be a donor, as was what happened to Haris Maulana. "I thought there were no tests needed to be a donor, but when I was tested, I was declined to be a donor. The test result showed that my blood was too thick, thus I was excluded from the donor list," explained Haris.

Besides the Blood Donation program, the committee also held another social activity yesterday, which was the Tour for the disabled. In the program, the committee invited disabled people from 'Indonesian Disabled People Association (Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia)'. Accompanied by the committee, the participants of the program visited all the exhibition areas - from Hall A, B, C, and D. In addition, they also visited some of the participants' booths such as Mazda, Mitsubishi, KIA, Chrysler, and Mitsubishi Fuso. In each booth, they were warmly welcomed by the officials. At Mitsubishi Fuso's booth, the participants enjoyed games hosted by one of the booth's officials and were seen enthusiastic to join the games. Mitsubishi is recently celebrating its sales success as it hit 1 million units in commercial vehicles sales in Indonesia and solidifies its position as the market leader with more than 30% market share.

Book Donation and Student Visit

Meanwhile, the committee of IIMS 2013 today held two other social activities - the Book Donation and Student Visit program. The first program was commenced long before the official opening of the exhibition. In this program, the committee placed several drop boxes at a number of major book stores in Jakarta to collect books donated by the public. The collected books are to be handed over to 'Solidarity of the Wives of the United Indonesia Cabinet (SIKIB)' and the National Library Board. The symbolic handover was conducted today at the outdoor area of Hall D.

On the same day, IIMS 2013 exhibition also held Student Day and Archipelago Student Visit (Kunjungan Pelajar Nusantara). As many as 500 students from various schools in Jakarta and its surrounding areas - public schools, private schools and international schools - visited the IIMS 2013 today. "Besides students from Jakarta and its surrounding areas, through the Archipelago Student Visit, we offer the chance to students whose schools are located outside Jakarta to visit the biggest auto show in the country," said Abiyoso Wietono, Automotive Division Manager, Dyandra Promosindo. This year, the lucky schools to join the program are SMK 1 Sukabumi and SMK 5 Makassar.

Both programs are intended to provide the opportunity to students to enjoy the latest products and technology exhibited by the participants of IIMS 2013. The students were accompanied by the committee to visit each booth and enjoy the activities prepared in each booth. They also received valuable information related to the booth and its products and technology.

Dyandra Promosindo
Diah Putri
Phone: +6221-31996077 ext. 334
Fax: +6221-31996177/6277
Mobile: +62812 100 3083
Source: 21st Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS)
Sectors: Automotive

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