Mar 27, 2013 18:00 JST

Source: CommunicAsia

CommunicAsia2013 Summit to Make Sense of SDN
Conference to reveal insights into current issues and challenges on this 'evolution'

SINGAPORE, Mar 27, 2013 - (ACN Newswire) - The ICT industry has recently been abuzz with news and articles on Software Defined Networking (SDN), which, according to analyst reports, is a new market estimated to grow into a US$2.1 billion business in 2017[i].

This, coupled with advances in virtualisation and cloud computing, has brought on the case for telcos to move towards a software-based networking environment. However, much of telecoms equipment remains hardware-based applications. Issues and challenges remain to move and optimise telecoms functions for software and hardware.

CommunicAsia2013 asked Mr. Rhys Arkins, Vice President - Sales Engineering, Asia Pacific of Acme Packet to share with us his thoughts on SDN. Below are some inspirational pointers singled out from the conversation.

1. Move to SDN architectures if you are significantly familiar with virtualised, cloud architectures

Mr. Arkins advises that "Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is a lot easier if the provider has already set up a virtualised cloud infrastructure. The largest portion of NFV's cost savings come in the form of operational savings - these savings can quickly be diminished if there is a long learning curve to familiarise teams with virtualisation technologies and operational processes."

2. Transitioning to SDN does not happen overnight or eliminate hardware-based systems

Explaining that "SDN will be an evolution", Mr. Arkins says, "It will not apply to all network elements overnight - this transition will take many years. More products and vendors will embrace SDN over time. For some elements, it may never make economic sense, so hardware-based systems will not completely go away."

3. Assess your company's suitability for SDN to deploy it successfully

Asked about how a company should assess its suitability for SDN, Mr. Arkins recommends, "A company should start with cost data on existing capital and operating expenses, and then assess their expertise with virtualisation and ability to train staff to understand these new technologies. They should also consider their existing operational models. For example, are they centralised in headquarters or highly distributed with local staff spread across many sites. Finally, they should assess if it is even practical to realign staff to suit a SDN model."

4. Prudence may not be the best strategy for Asian companies

Mr. Arkins thinks that some Asian companies considering SDN "have a tendency to prudently wait for technology and solutions to be well-proven in other markets before adopting them; however, the risk of this approach can be that they might overinvest in legacy architectures while waiting."

Mr. Arkins will be moderating a panel discussion - "Build or Borrow? The Future of Purpose-Built Versus Off- The-Shelf Hardware in Telecoms Networks" in CommunicAsia2013 Summit's Broadband Evolution Track on 18 June 2013.

Deeper Discussion into Broadband Issues and Challenges

The Broadband Evolution track at the CommunicAsia2013 Summit has been rejuvenated and will focus on the 'Evolving Customer, the Data Explosion & Key Broadband Strategies'. Covering issues ranging from the delivery of broadband over next generation networks to future broadband infrastructure, business models for mobile broadband to capacity issues in mobile broadband, delegates will be listening to, and discussing the various challenges and experiences with international experts and business leaders.

Spread over three days, the Broadband Evolution track will open with a discussion on network and infrastructure issues on the first day, move into business and technological issues in mobile broadband for the second day, and conclude with capacity issues and future implications for mobile broadband on the third day. Panel discussions have been arranged throughout the sessions everyday, and will include an "Asian Perspective" and "Key Executives' Interview" on the first and second days.

Some of the key confirmed speakers in the Broadband Evolution track include Suresh Sidhu, Group Chief Operating Officer, Celcom Axiata, Christian Daigneault, CTO, CSL, Lo Sui Lun, CTO, HKBN, Ted Matsumoto, Chief Strategy Adviser, Softbank Mobile, Martijn Blanken, Executive Director of Telstra Global, Liu Yali, Executive Director of International Network Planning from Verizon and many more.

Refreshed Conference Format to Feature Joint Visionary Address and C-level Panel

For the first time, delegates from both the CommunicAsia2013 Summit and BroadcastAsia2013 International Conference will be participating in a two-part visionary address on 19 June 2013. The first is the Governmental Visionary Address by the Minister for Technology, State Government of Victoria, Australia, The Hon. Gordon Rich-Phillips. This is followed by the Industry Visionary Address by Mr. Karim Temsamani, Head of Asia Pacific, Google. A joint panel discussion has also been conceptualised. The 'Thought-Leaders Panel' of C-level executives will bring together telco and broadcast companies to identify opportunities for collaboration between the telecom and broadcast industries.

CommunicAsia2013 Summit: The Next Wave: The Future is the Empowered Customer

The refreshed CommunicAsia2013 Summit will have eight key tracks - each track kicks off with a panel discussion - and two interactive workshops. Consumers have rapidly become the game-changers in the industry, with their accelerated demand for mobile data and services. The four-day programme will highlight the importance of understanding the customer so that businesses can be prepared to deliver a superior experience. More than 110 speakers will share their views and discuss critical issues affecting the ICT industry.

Delegates can also expect new tracks dedicated to CDN Evolution and Enterprise Mobility. Other tracks that have been rejuvenated include Mobile Marketing, Services & Commerce, and Telecom CEM, which will feature discussions on the latest business and technological issues.

Bringing Content to Life on Exhibition Showfloors

Content for both conferences has been carefully designed to complement the various technologies that will be showcased on the exhibition floors of CommunicAsia2013, EnterpriseIT and BroadcastAsia2013. Attendees will get to witness the latest services and solutions in broadband, cable, cloud, Interactive TV, mobile apps, OTT, satellite communications, multi-platform broadcasting, future TV, DVB-T2, professional audio technology, and more, Since the shows' inception, CommunicAsia, EnterpriseIT and BroadcastAsia have been running together and are widely acknowledged as one of the world's leading technology showcases.

Event at a glance:

CommunicAsia2013/EnterpriseIT Exhibition

Date:          18 - 21 June 2013
Venue:         Basement 2, Levels 1 & 3, Marina Bay Sands Singapore
Opening Hours: 18 - 20 June: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
               21 June: 10:30 a.m. -  4:00 p.m.
Admission:     Business and trade professionals only

BroadcastAsia2013 Exhibition

Date:          18 - 21 June 2013
Venue:         Levels 4 & 5, Marina Bay Sands Singapore
Opening Hours: 18 - 20 June: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
               21 June: 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Admission:     Business and trade professionals only

CommunicAsia2013 Summit

Date:          18 - 21 June 2013
Venue:         Level 3, Marina Bay Sands Singapore
Time:          8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Admission:     Registered delegates only
Registration:  Registration is now open. To register, please visit: .

BroadcastAsia2013 International Conference

Date:          18 - 21 June 2013
Venue:         Level 4, Marina Bay Sands Singapore
Time:          8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Admission:     Registered delegates only
Registration:  Registration is now open. To register, please visit:

Juliet Tseng
Senior PR Executive
Singapore Exhibition Services
D: +65 6233 6635
F: +65 6233 6633
Source: CommunicAsia
Sectors: Film & Video, Media & Marketing, Consumer Electronics, Broadcast, Film & Sat

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