Jun 02, 2015 17:40 JST

Source: CommunicAsia

The Future of ICT and Broadcasting Unveiled at CommunicAsia2015, EnterpriseIT2015 and BroadcastAsia2015
Asia's leading infocomm technology and broadcasting industry event brings together industry-changers and the latest in Smart Technology developments

SINGAPORE, Jun 02, 2015 - (ACN Newswire) - Innovations in 5G, Big Data, Cloud, Smart Devices, Wireless Technologies and Over-The-Top (OTT) take centre-stage as CommunicAsia2015, EnterpriseIT2015 and BroadcastAsia2015 opens its doors today at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

Spanning all five levels of the convention centre, the events have gathered over 1,800 exhibitors from 56 countries and regions showcasing a wide array of smart technologies to better enable connected cities, governments, enterprises and consumers. A total of 35 international pavilions are present, including new groups from China, Norway, Romania, South Korea and Vietnam.

"CommunicAsia, EnterpriseIT and BroadcastAsia continue to be the melting pot for the ICT and broadcasting industry in the Asia-Pacific region. By bringing together government frameworks, cutting-edge technology and discussions with thought leaders under the same roof, we are able to offer our attendees a truly immersive experience. These events continue to play a pivotal role in driving conversations for development within the industry, and the fulfillment of Smart Cities building across the region," said Mr. Victor Wong, Project Director, from event organiser Singapore Exhibition Services.

CommunicAsia2015 and EnterpriseIT2015: Paving the way towards a 'Smarter' way to live, work and play

Smart technology continues to advance and produce countless opportunities to simplify our lives and open up new business opportunities.

Governments across the globe have been investing in harnessing ICT, networks and data to enhance productivity and efficiency. CommunicAsia2015 and EnterpriseIT2015 showcases a host of innovations and emerging technologies that will facilitate areas such as transportation, infrastructure, healthcare, education, logistics and energy consumption.

As Singapore moves towards a Smart Nation, it is well-poised to tap into growing opportunities in new and emerging technologies.

Mr. Steve Leonard, Executive Deputy Chairman, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), said, "Singapore, like most countries around the world, faces challenges arising from megatrends such as an ageing population and resource scarcity. Being open to 'experimentation as part of innovation' is critical for Singapore to achieve its vision of building a Smart Nation. As publicly outlined by the Prime Minister, we plan to initially concentrate on new capabilities to better serve citizens in areas such as health and transport. By working on these issues using emerging technology, we also hope to build companies that will bring important new products and services to other countries. CommunicAsia is a great event, by being able to bring together the latest technologies, innovations as well as the best people and companies. We've seen some great ideas come out of past events, and we fully expect it to happen again this year."

Making a big splash at CommunicAsia2015, Huawei presents solutions that can open roads to a better connected world, through innovative and fun technologies such as the Eye Robot and Smart Lamp Post which help with public safety and surveillance.

From Big Data and Cyber Security, to Cloud and Mobility, attendees are able to see how technology can empower smart enterprises, to improve their bottom line and increase efficiency. CDNetworks, a market leader in content delivery network services, has accelerated more than 40,000 global websites and cloud services to achieve results such as greater online customer satisfaction. The company's cloud security services have also effectively mitigated against DDoS attacks for customers including finance and public service/government websites.

The events also showcase the latest in smart home living. Technicolor is displaying their IZE system, Asia's 1st Smart Home platform that brings together one's digital lifestyle on TV and other screens.

TV Everywhere at BroadcastAsia2015

With the rise of smart device ownership, combined with improved and affordable mobile connectivity, consumers are hungry for portable content that they can take with them on the go.

Recognising that visual content is no longer limited to one screen, BroadcastAsia2015's new TV Everywhere! Zone addresses these shifts, giving visitors access to latest OTT solutions available in the non-linear broadcasting value-chain. More than 110 exhibitors, including Accedo, Brightcove, Ericsson, Limelight Networks and Nice People At Work (NPAW), are showcasing how their solutions enable the delivery of TV everywhere.

"The OTT industry continues to evolve rapidly, as users can be selective with what content they want to consume, when they want it, and on what devices. Broadcasters, now more than ever, must have granular awareness of the performance of their service in order to keep up with growing end-user expectations and provide personalised content and service," says NPAW's CEO, Mr. Ferran Gutierrez.

"We are very excited to be a new exhibitor at BroadcastAsia2015. This gives us the opportunity to introduce YOUBORA, our QoS QoE and CDN switching product. We are looking forward to working alongside broadcasters in what we expect to be a strong market for our product," he adds.

The Cinematography/Film/Production Zone and ProfessionalAudioTechonology2015 return once again, spotlighting technologies that are vital to the behind-the-scenes production process. Drones, having revolutionised aerial photography and production are also making their presence felt at BroadcastAsia2015. The show features drones from AEE and DJI, alongside Asia's foremost aerial cinematography experts - Skyshot.

Industry heavyweights Academy(R) Award and BAFTA winning re-recording mixer, Craig Mann and co-founder and director of Widescreen Media, Kevin Lau, lead the lineup at BroadcastAsia's new Post Production Hub. Well-known and experienced directors, colourists and visual effects experts will provide first-hand industry expertise and experience for technologies on showcase.

Largest SatComm gathering at any ICT and broadcasting event in Asia

An integral part of ICT and broadcasting, satellite communication plays an essential role in broadcast, enterprise, government, maritime and oil and gas sectors. SatComm2015 sees over 170 exhibitors showcasing the latest in network agility and communication services. Notable exhibitors include AsiaSat, iDirect Asia, Intelsat, Iridium, Newtec, SES and SpeedCast.

Effective Platform for Learning and Networking

The CommunicAsia2015 Summit, BroadcastAsia2015 International Conference and the Creative Content Production Conference 2015 bring together more than 200 trend-setters and decision makers in their industries to create a forum for in-depth discussion on the challenges, demands and opportunities faced by the ICT, broadcast and media industry. The three conferences provide a detailed snapshot of the vast potential ICT integration has in a wide spectrum of industries and facilitates effective networking across numerous disciplines.

The CommunicAsia2015 Summit kicks off by addressing the current state of the ICT industry. Divided into 12 tracks and three workshops, the Conference facilitates conversations on major trends, such as IoT, Mobile Marketing, Cyber Security, Big Data Analysis, Cloud Networking and 5G technology.

With eight tracks and two workshops, BroadcastAsia2015 International Conference provides insight into OTT expansion into new markets, viewer analytics, 4K encoding and transmission technology, cloud broadcasting, network virtualisation and more. It also includes Captains of Industry Dialogues to specifically address the developments, challenges and integration of traditional systems, OTT technology and IP-based platforms.

A must-attend for any budding producer or film-maker, the Creative Content Production Conference 2015 brings together veterans in transmedia production, financing & distribution, and crowdfunding - who will share first hand experiences and best practices.
CommunicAsia2015 / EnterpriseIT2015 Exhibition
Incorporating: SatComm2015
Date:          2-5 June 2015, Tuesday - Friday
Venue:         Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Levels B2, 1 & 3
Opening Hours: 2-4 June 2015: 10:30 am - 6:00 pm
               5 June 2015: 10:30 am -  4:00 pm
Admission:     Business and trade professionals only
Website: www.communicasia.com, www.goto-enterpriseit.com
CommunicAsia2015 Summit
Date:          2-5 June 2015, Tuesday - Friday
Venue:         Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Level 3
Admission:     Registered delegates only
Website: www.communicasia.com/conference/conference-highlights 

BroadcastAsia2015 Exhibition
Incorporating: ProfessionalAudioTechnology2015
Date:          2-5 June 2015, Tuesday - Friday
Venue:         Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Levels 4 & 5
Opening Hours: 2-4 June 2015: 10:30 am - 6:00 pm
               5 June 2015: 10:30 am - 4:00 pm
Admission:     Business and trade professionals only
Website: www.broadcast-asia.com 

BroadcastAsia2015 International Conference & Creative Content Production Conference
Venue:         Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Level 3
Date:          2-5 June 2015, Tuesday - Friday
Admission:     Registered delegates only
Website: www.broadcast-asia.com/conference/conference-highlights 

June Seah / Patricia Yee
Singapore Exhibition Services
Tel: +65 9852 6756 / +65 9382 7452
Email: june.seah@sesallworld.com / patricia.yee@sesallworld.com   

Anu Ramasamy / Ang Fangying 
FleishmanHillard Singapore
Tel: +65 9383 1574 / +65 9170 4059
Email: Anu.ramasamy@fleishman.com / Fangying.ang@fleishman.com
Source: CommunicAsia
Sectors: Film & Video, Media & Marketing, IT Individual, Consumer Electronics, Broadcast, Film & Sat

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