Nov 30, 2009 12:47 JST

Source: Mitsubishi Corporation

Mitsubishi Corporation Provided Solar Power Generation System to Non-electrified Villages in Ethiopia

TOKYO, Nov 30, 2009 - (ACN Newswire) - On the 29th of November 2009 Mitsubishi Corporation in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MOARD) of Ethiopia conducted the inaugural ceremony of Solar PV Power Generation System installed at Maki Village of Oromia Regional State, which MOARD selected as model village.

Based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed on July 13, 2009 between Mitsubishi Corporation and MOARD for the support to the agriculture and rural development in Ethiopia, the installation of Solar Power Generation Systems at Meki and Cheka Alemtena has been successfully completed and the Farmers Training Centers and Animal Health Posts of the two villages are electrified.

The project which costs more than half a million Ethiopian Birr, includes installation of the following equipment for two Farmers training Centers and Animal Health posts in the two villages.

1. Farmers Training Center: Solar Power Generation Systems to supply power and 40" TV Sets and DVD players
2. Animal Health Post: Solar Refrigerators and lights

We do believe that due to the Solar Power Generation Systems at the Farmers Training Centers, farmers can take trainings about modern farming techniques at night. And The Solar Refrigerators can be used to preserve medicines for livestock at The Animal Health Posts.

What makes these solar equipments special is, they are designed to provide power with no running cost for an unlimited period of time. And we believe that this solar power generation system not only benefits the farmers to have access to improved farming technology but also helps to reduce CO2 emission and contribute for the preservation of the environment and thereby create an opportunity for a sustained growth.

One of the corporate principles of Mitsubishi Corporation is, "Corporate Responsibility to Society" which ensures the continued commitment by the Company for the advancement of worldwide societies for enriching them both materially and spiritually. We have carried out many CSR projects from our own initiatives all over the world for more than 35 years. These solar PV projects, carried out at Meki and Cheka Alemtena, are the latest showcase of CSR activities of Mitsubishi Corporation, which has been operating in Ethiopia for over 50 years.

Mitsubishi Corporation
Telephone: +81-3-3210-2171 
Facsimile: +81-3-5252-7705
Source: Mitsubishi Corporation
Sectors: Energy, Alternatives

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