2010年10月19日 12:32:51 JST

Gulfstream G650 在測試飛機第五次航行時達到高速巡航預測目標

薩凡納,GA, United States, Oct 19, 2010   -  ( JCN Newswire )   -   在亞特蘭大國家商用航空協會(NBAA)會議召開前夕,Gulfstream試飛員和工程師證明Gulfstream G650出眾的高速巡航能力,以0.90馬赫飛行5,000海裡(9,260 km)的一個閉環,以9小時45分鐘飛過大西洋。

“從來沒有一家商務機能飛得如此遠、如此快、如此完美無瑕,” Gulfstream工程技術和測試部門負責程序的高級副總裁Pres Henne說到,“飛機定義了新的生產力水平。其中一部分就是能讓高級行政人員舒適得飛往世界各地。”

序列號(S/N) 6004的飛機,是飛行測試程序的第四架測試飛機,也是首架全內飾飛機,在10月9日於當地時間9:57 am飛離沙那凡港市,成為史上飛行速度最快、記錄最遠的商務機。飛機總共隻飛行了12個小時,包括7個小時在全裝室內。這架商務機將於這週在亞特蘭大NBAA 行業大會上亮相。

起飛時重量為99,538磅(45,150千克)。飛機最大起飛重量為99,600磅(45,178千克),允許在重量限制的機場起飛,例如Teterboro 和Aspen。

由六人組成的機組駕駛飛機:高級實驗試飛員Tom Horne、生產試飛員Al Moros 和Rick Gowthrop;飛行測試工程師Michael Brinley;以及內艙房專家Allen Blaylock 和Mike Phipps。 Blaylock 和Phipps利用在高處的時間在極地最低溫飛行氣候條件檢查新機艙的安裝,評估G650機艙的眾多新特色,包括通信和娛樂設備,以及飛機的高級Gulfstream機艙管理系統(GCMS)。



由於飛機的實驗狀態及其目前缺乏最小垂直間隔(RVSM)的批准,對於高速航行路線有些限制。所以,飛機以200海裡跑道模式在近海警告區飛行,以大約12度的傾斜角飛行70英里(113公里)。航線溫度接近ISA,最糟糕的情況為ISA 7。

以0.90馬赫下降,過渡到300海裡,然後在10,000英尺(3,048米)時變為250海裡,以在沙那凡港市的NBAA IFR儲備量返回著陸。

“在這樣的速度下,我們能趕到布宜諾斯艾利斯享用晚餐,或飛抵夏威夷享用午餐,這是由於市區變換的關係,” Horne說:“在發展的初期,憑藉這家飛機的可靠性和能力,我們將繼續受到關注。”

G650 以0.85馬赫的速度飛行,航程為7,000 nm (12,964 km)。它是世界上最大、最快、航程最長的專用型商務機。計劃於2011年進行認證,從2012年起便能運送乘客。

About Gulfstream

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD), designs, develops, manufactures, markets, services and supports the world's most technologically advanced business-jet aircraft. Gulfstream has produced more than 2,000 aircraft for customers around the world since 1958. To meet the diverse transportation needs of the future, Gulfstream offers a comprehensive fleet of aircraft, comprising the wide-cabin, high-speed Gulfstream G150(R); the large-cabin, mid-range Gulfstream G200(R); the new large-cabin, mid-range Gulfstream G280(R); the large-cabin, mid-range Gulfstream G350(R); the large-cabin, long-range Gulfstream G450(R); the large-cabin, ultra-long-range Gulfstream G550(R); the large-cabin, ultra-long-range Gulfstream G550(R) and the ultra-large-cabin, ultra-long-range G650(R). Gulfstream also offers aircraft ownership services via Gulfstream Pre-Owned Aircraft Sales(R). The company employs more than 12,500 people at 12 major locations. We invite you to visit our website for more information and photos of Gulfstream aircraft at www.gulfstream.com.

General Dynamics, headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, employs approximately 93,700 people worldwide. The company is a market leader in business aviation; land and expeditionary combat systems, armaments and munitions; shipbuilding and marine systems; and information systems and technologies. More information about the company is available on the Internet at www.generaldynamics.com.


Jeff Miller
Communications at Static
+1-912-965-7372 (辦公電話)
+1-912-224-8222 (手機)

Heidi Fedak
Communications at Exhibit
+1-912-395-8574 (辦公電話)
+1-912-484-7849 (手機)

Source: Gulfstream (XNYS: GD)

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