2012年11月16日 12:30:05 JST


佛罗里达州奥兰多市, United States, Nov 16, 2012   -  ( JCN Newswire )   -   湾流宇航公司今天宣布,其超远程超大客舱G650飞机能够提供比最初宣布的更好性能。这一改进将提升飞机的高速航程和起飞距离,从而为运营人执行超远程任务提供更大的灵活性。

湾流宇航总裁Larry Flynn表示:“G650性能的提高使得这一本已是同级最好的飞机变得更好。凭借这些改进,运营人将获得显著的优势:他们将飞得更远、更快,需要跑道也更短。如果把公务喷气机比作时间机器,那么G650则将是商务旅行的最佳选择。”



湾流项目、工程与试飞高级副总裁Pres Henne表示:“G650以0.90马赫飞行6,000海里所需的飞行时间比使用G550完成相同任务要少40分钟。在分秒必争的情况下,40分钟可谓意义重大。”


G650的最大巡航速度达到0.925马赫,是已通过认证的民用飞机中速度最快的。该机配备两台罗罗BR725 A1-12发动机,单台推力16,900磅,而与同级其他飞机相比,其油耗却更低,产生的排放也更少。


About Gulfstream

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD), designs, develops, manufactures, markets, services and supports the world's most technologically advanced business-jet aircraft. Gulfstream has produced more than 2,000 aircraft for customers around the world since 1958. To meet the diverse transportation needs of the future, Gulfstream offers a comprehensive fleet of aircraft, comprising the wide-cabin, high-speed Gulfstream G150(R); the large-cabin, mid-range Gulfstream G200(R); the new large-cabin, mid-range Gulfstream G280(R); the large-cabin, mid-range Gulfstream G350(R); the large-cabin, long-range Gulfstream G450(R); the large-cabin, ultra-long-range Gulfstream G550(R); the large-cabin, ultra-long-range Gulfstream G550(R) and the ultra-large-cabin, ultra-long-range G650(R). Gulfstream also offers aircraft ownership services via Gulfstream Pre-Owned Aircraft Sales(R). The company employs more than 12,500 people at 12 major locations. We invite you to visit our website for more information and photos of Gulfstream aircraft at www.gulfstream.com.

General Dynamics, headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, employs approximately 93,700 people worldwide. The company is a market leader in business aviation; land and expeditionary combat systems, armaments and munitions; shipbuilding and marine systems; and information systems and technologies. More information about the company is available on the Internet at www.generaldynamics.com.


Heidi Fedak
001 (912) 395-8574(办公室)
001 (912) 484-7849(手机)

Source: Gulfstream (XNYS: GD)

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