2012年9月27日 3:04:25 JST



香港, China, Sept 27, 2012   -  ( JCN Newswire )   -   专注于空运舱位批发市场之领先空运方案供应商瀚洋控股有限公司(「瀚洋」或「集团」;股份代号:1803)欣然宣布,集团已在伦敦白城洛夫图斯球场与英格兰超级联赛( 「英超联」)著名英国球会昆士柏流浪签订一年期的赞助合约,正式成为其首间官方物流伙伴。


昆士柏流浪主席Tony Fernandes表示:「是次签订协议对昆士柏流浪而言是重大突破,让我们成为继曼联之后第二个获赞助练习球衣的英超联球会,足证我们提升球会商业价值目标的成果。」


昆士柏流浪商务董事Euan Inglis于公布新赞助计划时提到:「这是我们首次公布官方物流伙伴,是次赞助为昆士柏流浪带来新突破。我们很高兴瀚洋能成为球队第一间练习球衣赞助商,相信是次赞助可在英国及海外突显昆士柏流浪这个迅速冒起的独特品牌。」

为揭开此赞助的序幕,瀚洋主席余浩源先生、瀚洋行政总裁麦志雄先生及罗佳路先生、昆士柏流浪行政总裁Philip Beard先生、昆士柏流浪商务董事Euan Inglis先生、昆士柏流浪领队Mark Hughes 先生及著名南韩足球员兼昆士柏流浪队长朴智星先生出席是次签约仪式。


About ASR Holdings Limited

ASR Holdings Ltd is an air freight solution provider strategically positioning itself within the air cargo market. It is principally engaged in purchasing air cargo space from airlines or integrated carriers and selling this space to freight forwarders. Established in 1991, it has built its business through offering deferred air freight service and servicing destinations in developing countries. Headquartered in Hong Kong, it has 28 sales offices located mainly in the Asia-Pacific region with 19 of them in China and others spread across Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Osaka, Tokyo, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Helsinki. ASR has well-established business partnerships with more than 45 airlines covering almost every major airport with a strong customer base of more than 1,000 freight forwarder customers. ASR is a member of the Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Limited ("HAFFA") and an accredited cargo agent of the International Air Transport Association ("IATA").


苏嘉丽 (852) 2864 4826 heidi.so@sprg.com.hk
区美馨 (852) 2864 4815 maggie.au@sprg.com.hk
张菀菁 (852) 2864 4817 tiffany.cheung@sprg.com.hk
传真: (852) 2527 1196

Source: ASR Holdings Limited (XHKG: 1803)

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