Press Release

Kitchen Culture: Business Update on Outstanding Legacy Issues and Strategy to Move Forward
Aug 07, 2023 15:00 JST
The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. (the "Company" or "Kitchen Culture") hereby provides an interim update to lay out the legacy issues facing the Company that the Board has addressed or is currently addressing, as well as to provide shareholders with full transparency on how the Board intends to navigate the path forward.
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Kitchen Culture: Resolution of rental arrears and other legacy issues addressed
Jul 25, 2023 11:30 JST
The Board of Directors of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment of new Directors to the Board to move the Company forward from its recent troubled history. This is in line with the Board's objective to usher in a new era of transparency, accountability and business expertise.
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Kitchen Culture Says Notices Filed to Correct Attempts By Director to Change ACRA Records of 5 Fellow Directors, Company Secretary and Address After Purported EGM That Has Been Deemed Invalid
Dec 05, 2022 16:30 JST
Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture" or the "Company") said today that it had filed notices to correct attempts by a director, Madam Hao Dongting ("Mdm Hao") - who is intricately linked to its largest shareholder that has made a second invalid attempt to remove 5 of her fellow board members - to change records of the secretary, office bearers and address of the Company as registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority ("ACRA").
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Kitchen Culture Says 5 Directors Will Remain on its Board as Purported EGM Held Last Friday Is Invalid; Asks Requisitioners to Put Matters Before Singapore Court
Nov 28, 2022 17:00 JST
Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture" or the "Company") said today that 5 directors that requisitioners sought to replace through a purported Extraordinary General Meeting last Friday ("Purported EGM") will remain.
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Kitchen Culture's Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 25 November 2022: 100% of eligible votes were cast in favour of all Resolutions
Nov 25, 2022 16:30 JST
The Relevant Shareholders[3] of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture", "the Company" or "the Group") today announced that all Resolutions tabled at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 25 November 2022 were approved, with 100% of eligible votes cast in favour of each Resolution and none against.
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Lead ID of Kitchen Culture Writes to Shareholders Expressing Concerns About Major Shareholder OOWAY Group Which is Leading Second Attempt to Call for EGM To Remove 5 Directors
Nov 23, 2022 15:30 JST
The Lead Independent Director ("Lead ID") of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture" or the "Company"), in a letter to shareholders today, has expressed concerns about promises made to the Company by its largest shareholder, OOWAY Group Ltd. ("OOWAY"), which is leading a second attempt to remove 5 of 6 directors via an extraordinary general meeting ("Second Intended EGM").
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Kitchen Culture's Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held on 25 November 2022, 9.00 a.m.
Nov 18, 2022 22:00 JST
The Relevant Shareholders of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture" or the "Company") refer to the EGM which will be convened on Friday, 25 November 2022 at 9.00 a.m. to be held by way of electronic means in relation to the proposed removal of 5 existing directors and the appointment of 5 new directors.
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Kitchen Culture Says Purported Notice to Call Second Attempted EGM on 25 November 2022 to Remove 5 Directors By Electronic Means Is Invalid; Urges Shareholders Not To Attend
Nov 18, 2022 18:30 JST
Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture" or the "Company") said today that a second attempt to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting ("Second Intended EGM") to remove 5 of 6 directors next week is defective and invalid for non-compliance with the Companies Act 1967 and the Company's Constitution.
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Kitchen Culture Seeking Legal Advice on Validity of New Purported Notice to Remove 5 Directors; Urges Shareholders Not to Accept Notices or Proxy Forms Unquestioningly
Nov 03, 2022 17:20 JST
Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture" or the "Company") said today it will seek fresh legal advice on the validity of a letter from a law firm and fresh notice received by a group of 8 shareholders ("requisitioners") seeking to remove 5 of 6 directors via an Extraordinary General Meeting ("Second Intended EGM") proposed for 25 November 2022.
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Kitchen Culture's Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held on 25th November 2022, 9am
Nov 03, 2022 11:50 JST
Relevant Shareholders[1] of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. today announced that the new Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company (EGM) will be convened on 25th November 2022 at 9am. The Live EGM Webcast and the Live EGM Audio Feed has been arranged in place of a physical EGM.
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Kitchen Culture Criticises Requisitioners for 'Diametrically Changing' Minds by Publishing Advertisement to Call off EGM to Remove 5 Directors; Company Affirms 1 November EGM Will Not Proceed
Oct 31, 2022 12:00 JST
Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture" or the "Company") said today that a group of 8 shareholders ("the requisitioners") seeking to remove 5 of 6 directors has caused confusion among shareholders and the public by publishing a newspaper advertisement calling off the Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") with 1 working day's notice before it was due to be held.
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Kitchen Culture's Board, Acting on Legal Advice, Says 1 November EGM Called To Remove 5 Directors Is Invalid; Urges Shareholders Not to Attend
Oct 25, 2022 09:30 JST
Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. said today shareholders should not, and are advised not to, attend an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) called to remove 5 of 6 directors as the Purported Notices of the EGM attempted to be issued by 8 requisitioners, including its largest shareholder OOWAY Group Ltd., were defective and therefore invalid.
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Kitchen Culture's Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 1 November 2022 To Proceed as Planned
Oct 24, 2022 20:00 JST
Relevant shareholders[2] of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. today announced that they wish to reiterate and clarify to all shareholders of the Company on the following.
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OOWAY GROUP Clarifies Factual Inaccuracy in Kitchen Culture's 14 October 2022 Announcement to SGXNet
Oct 20, 2022 09:00 JST
OOWAY Group Ltd today announced that it wishes to clarify the factual inaccuracy in Kitchen Culture Holdings Limited's 14 October 2022 announcement ("Announcement") to SGXNet with regard to an interest-free loan of S$1.5 million (Unconditional Interest-Free Loan) that was offered to Kitchen Culture by OOWAY Group as a gesture to assist the Company in alleviating its dire financial situation.
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Kitchen Culture Rejects Requisition to Remove 5 Directors, Sharply Criticises Major Shareholder OOWAY Group for Factual Inaccuracies and Mischaracterisations to the Media
Oct 14, 2022 19:00 JST
The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture" or the "Company") today rejected a requisition to remove 5 of its 6 directors, and sharply criticised its largest shareholder, OOWAY Group Ltd. ("OOWAY"), for conveying to the media factual inaccuracies and mischaracterising recent events.
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OOWAY Group Seeks to Appoint New Board to Turn Around Kitchen Culture
Oct 12, 2022 17:00 JST
OOWAY Group Ltd, the single largest shareholder, together with 7 other shareholders[1] of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. has on 30 September 2022 informed the Company's Board of the intention to convene an extraordinary general meeting of the Company (EGM) pursuant to Section 177 of the Companies Act[2].
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Kitchen Culture's business transformation at risk - funds raised not accounted for
Apr 21, 2022 17:15 JST
As the single largest shareholder of Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. ("Kitchen Culture") with a 21.19% stake, OOWAY Group Ltd. ("OOWAY Group" or the "Group") shares the frustration of many shareholders who raised concerns over matters of internal controls and governance ahead of Kitchen Culture's recent Annual General Meeting held on 18 March 2022.
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