Feb 23, 2017 16:00 JST


DOCOMO Develops eSIM Platform for Consumer Devices
Will enable tablets, wearables, etc. to connect easily to mobile networks

TOKYO, Feb 23, 2017 - (JCN Newswire) - NTT DOCOMO, INC. announced today a new eSIM Platform that will enable companion consumer devices embedded with subscriber identity modules (eSIM), including tablets and wearables, to connect to mobile networks through remote provisioning of the profile DOCOMO will launch the eSIM Platform, as well as a variety of compatible mobile devices, this year.

Since June 2014, DOCOMO has been providing enterprise customers with an eSIM solution based on the "docomo M2M platform" for machine-to-machine (M2M) devices, such as connected automobiles and industrial equipment. The eSIM Platform will enable subscribers to connect their companion devices to the network with a simple procedure.

Subscribers will be freed from having to insert conventional SIM cards into their devices, thereby enhancing user experiences.

DOCOMO's eSIM Platform is based on the second version of Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) specification, which was published in October 2016 by the GSM Association (GSMA), the world's leading body for mobile operators, device manufacturers and software developers.

DOCOMO, a GSMA member, has been contributing to the Consumer Remote SIM Provisioning initiative since the start.

With the number of connected devices growing exponentially, remote provisioning via DOCOMO's eSIM Platform will enable customers to connect their companion devices to mobile networks easily and reliably.

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